Is Your IT Support a Heist in Disguise?
Is Your IT Support a Heist in Disguise? Okay, maybe “heist” is a bit dramatic but when it comes to IT support for your small or micro business, there are definitely some hidden dangers lurking. You might think you’re getting a great deal, only to...
Are You Tech Savvy? Choosing the Right IT Support for Your Small Business
Are You Tech Savvy? Choosing the Right IT Support for Your Small Business As a small or micro business owner in the UK, you’re probably juggling a lot. From finances and marketing to customer service and product development, it’s easy to let IT slip down...
Networking – To Lock Out or Not Lock Out? The pros and cons of one-seat networking groups
Networking – To Lock Out or Not Lock Out? The pros and cons of one-seat networking groups To lock out or not lock out; that is the question! As a business consultant specialising in helping women utilise technology in their micro and small businesses, I’ve...