What My Clients Say


Please find below testimonials from my previous clients, as well as links to the websites that I have designed and developed.

For more information on how I can help you please visit my how I can help page.

I have been working with Sarah to make sure that my small company is GDPR compliant, and I can honestly say that I couldn’t have done it without her! She was extremely helpful, professional, detailed, always available, and very knowledgeable. Working through all the GDPR requirements on my own was a bit overwhelming, Sarah on the other hand made everything very clear to understand. I needed someone to take the reins and walk me through everything I needed to do for GDPR, and Sarah did just that – she is amazing! I would highly recommend her to anyone looking for GDPR help.

Laura Bianchini

Yoga Escapes

Working with Sarah has made a huge and positive difference to my business. I can rely on her to get tasks done well and on time, if not before and without fail.  This frees me up to focus on business development and my productivity has increased significantly.

Sarah is great at offering practical advice about how to set up processes and systems and has an excellent working knowledge of different software and apps to help with this.

Sarah is a fantastic support to my business and she will be to yours. Professional, efficient and friendly. I can highly recommend her.

Nikki Roy

Body Mechanics

Sarah is the best thing that happened to my business. When you run your own business, you assume you can do everything, you can’t! Sarah does things in half the time it takes me and I know with confidence that there are great systems and processes supporting my business as it grows. What Sarah excels at is seeing how you can improve your business, and make it more efficient; it’s really helped me gain clarity, get a business head on and invest time and money where it really matters.

Sophie Fletcher

Mindful Mamma

Sarah is brilliant at what she does. She’s really helped take some of the weight off my admin load, helped move projects forward and is a great sounding board. Really recommend her for small or self-employed businesses.

Sarah Clover

Breathing. Space Yoga

I would thoroughly recommend Sarah. She has recently helped me produce my first newsletter for AP Accounting and, with her efficiency and thoroughness, the task became much easier than anticipated.

Liz Mitchell

AP Accounting Ltd

Thanks Sarah, I am sure we will be requiring your support in the near future but in the meantime thank you for your support the excel sheets have been very helpful.

Rowan Bradley

Children's Therapy Solutions

I’ve just done a video call with Sarah on how to get started with Mailchimp and can highly recommend this service. Sarah is an absolute expert in this area, there was no dithering or hesitation in either her demonstration or explanation which was very clear and perfectly pitched. A true professional.

Denise Williams


Sarah is a true professional with a great head for planning and organisation. I found her to be detail-accurate, flexible and good humoured. She shows creativity and is full of ideas. Her background means she can quickly implement strategies and practices which are both time and cost efficient. I would highly recommend her.

Michelle McHale

Attachment Parenting UK

Since working with Sarah, I have order where there was once chaos. She has loaded and built my wishlist members site which was beyond me, created mailchimp integration sign ups, in fact pretty much everything I have needed in order to start up my new business. i could not have done any of this without her help and support.

Annie Browne

The Kitchen Table Business Academy

Sarah is a first class administrator with a keen eye for detail. She has the ability to be able to understand the bigger picture and rise to any challenge she is presented with. Sarah’s skills in marketing, web development and administration are exemplary. It would be a pleasure to work with her again.

Karen Attreed

University of Nottingham

If you are having problems with your WordPress Sarah’s the woman for you. She quickly helped to resolve the problems I was having updating images on my website. She gave me options on how the page could look.

She also gave me instructions on how to update my images myself in the future. Sarah was clear, professional, and friendly. I would really recommend her.

Zoe Angle

Angle Glass

Sarah has helped me hugely in upgrading my website. It is still in its infancy but I am so excited about what I can do with it going forward. Sarah is your administrator extraordinaire – multi-talented!

Phillilpa Wilson

Oakwood Yoga

Sarah is a first class administrator with a keen eye for detail. She has the ability to be able to understand the bigger picture and rise to any challenge she is presented with. Sarah’s skills in marketing, web development and administration are exemplary. It would be a pleasure to work with her again.

Karen Attreed

University of Nottingham

If you are having problems with your WordPress Sarah’s the woman for you. She quickly helped to resolve the problems I was having updating images on my website. She gave me options on how the page could look.

She also gave me instructions on how to update my images myself in the future. Sarah was clear, professional, and friendly. I would really recommend her.

Zoe Angle

Angle Glass

Sarah has helped me hugely in upgrading my website. It is still in its infancy but I am so excited about what I can do with it going forward. Sarah is your administrator extraordinaire – multi-talented!

Phillilpa Wilson

Oakwood Yoga

Awards and Recognitions

How winning the #SBS award was the perfect ending to a challenging year
Biz Bubble Awards Finalist badge for best service biz