Keep Calm and Carry On: Building Resilience in Your Micro Business

Running your own business is a rollercoaster. There are exhilarating highs, gut-wrenching lows and more unexpected twists and turns than you’d find on a fairground ride! That’s why cultivating resilience is absolutely crucial to surviving (and thriving) in this unpredictable landscape.

Here are some strategies I’ve personally found helpful for building that much-needed resilience as a micro business owner:

Plan for Success (and the unexpected)

Planning doesn’t mean you have to stick to what you decide now, no matter what may come in the future. It’s about having a clear direction for your business while also anticipating potential risks so you can mitigate them.

Ask yourself:  What could throw a spanner in the works for my business?  Maybe it’s a major client suddenly jumping ship, or a supplier going bust? Perhaps it’s a change in legislation or a sudden economic downturn.How to Build Resilience as a Micro Business Owner - Picture of a weed growing out of concrete

While nobody wants to dwell on the negatives, taking a moment to brainstorm those “worst-case scenarios” is actually incredibly empowering! Even having a rough plan in place for how you’d tackle those challenges makes them feel less daunting when (not if!) they actually happen.

Think of it this way: a good plan isn’t a straitjacket, it’s a map.  It’s a clear outline of the ideal route but also shows those potential detours, so you aren’t left blindsided when life inevitably throws you a curveball.

Embrace Flexibility: Your Business Lifeline

It’s not a matter of if but when those inevitable bumps in the road arise in your business journey. A sudden change in customer preferences, an unexpected economic downturn, or even a global pandemic – these are the curveballs life throws your way. That’s where your ability to adapt becomes your most valuable asset.

Maybe it’s pivoting your business model to meet changing market demands or embracing new technologies to streamline your processes. Other times, it’s about those smaller adjustments, like finding a new supplier when the old one lets you down or adjusting your marketing strategy to reach a different audience.

The key is to embrace change, rather than fear it. Remember, the most successful businesses aren’t always the ones with the most rigid plans – they’re the ones who can adapt, evolve and find new ways to thrive in the face of uncertainty.

Set Boundaries & Protect Your Energy

It’s important to understand and accept that not everyone communicates the same way you do. Some people are naturally more direct, others might be overly critical and some simply haven’t had their morning cuppa yet! Rather than taking every comment personally, try to understand where they’re coming from and don’t let their negativity throw you off your game.

It can be easy to react negatively to others but try to ensure that others don’t affect your mindset and outlook. Keep your focus on your goals and remember that your business success isn’t defined by others’ opinions. Don’t be afraid to say “no” to that client who causes more stress than they’re worth, or the project that just doesn’t feel right for your business.

It’s important to set boundaries within your business, think of them as your business’s force field, keeping out those energy vampires and unnecessary distractions.  Whether you’re working from home or in a traditional office, setting firm working hours is crucial. Don’t let those emails and client requests bleed into every waking moment! It’s about knowing when to switch off, protecting your time for rest, recharging and enjoying life outside of work.

Remember, your time and energy are valuable resources and you have the right to protect them.

Build Your Support Network

The adage “a problem shared is a problem halved” rings especially true for business owners.  Don’t try to go it alone! Building a strong support network can be the difference between feeling overwhelmed and isolated and feeling encouraged and empowered.

Think of your support network as your personal cheerleading squad, ready with advice, encouragement and the occasional virtual hug when you need it. Who should be on that squad? It could be fellow business owners you meet through local networking events or online forums, formal mentors with wisdom to share, or even a therapist to help you navigate the emotional ups and downs of entrepreneurship.

There’s something special about connecting with those who truly understand the unique challenges of running a business. An informal chat over a pint at the local pub with another entrepreneur, or a video call with a business owner you admire across the country, can spark new ideas, offer valuable perspective and remind you that you’re not alone in this journey.

Don’t underestimate the value of online communities, too. Facebook groups, LinkedIn forums, or even a simple WhatsApp chat with a few like-minded folks can create a sense of belonging and support when you need it most.

Prioritise Your Well-Being: A Non-Negotiable for Success

Let’s be straight up – a knackered, burnt-out business owner is about as effective as a chocolate teapot. When you’re running on empty, those crucial decisions become muddled and even the smallest challenge feels like climbing Mount Everest. That’s why prioritising your well-being isn’t a luxury, it’s essential for business success.

Think of it this way: your business is a reflection of you. If you’re feeling stressed, overwhelmed and generally rubbish, that’ll seep into your work. On the flip side, when you’re well-rested, healthy and feeling positive, that energy is contagious, impacting everything from your client interactions to your creative output.

Make self-care a non-negotiable part of your routine. It doesn’t have to be fancy spa days or expensive retreats (though those are lovely!). It could be as simple as a daily walk in your local park, a weekly yoga class to unwind, or even just setting aside time each evening for a soak in the tub with a good book. Whatever brings you joy and helps you de-stress, make it a priority.

Remember, your business needs you at your best. By taking care of yourself, you’re investing in your own resilience and ultimately, the success of your business.

Building resilience is an ongoing journey, filled with ups and downs. Some days you’ll feel invincible, others you’ll just want to hide under the duvet. Remember, it’s okay! The key is to keep learning from each experience, both good and bad.  That’s how you create a business and a life built on a strong foundation of resilience.