Beyond the Business Card: How to Get the Best Out of Networking

Networking: it’s not just a buzzword, it’s a core element of growing your micro business.  But with so many different events and approaches, it can be a bit like trying to find the right needle in a haystack. Let’s unpack how you can make networking work for you, instead of it constantly feeling like a chore.

Find Your Networking Sweet Spot: The “Right” Group Makes All the Difference

Not all networking events are created equal, much like a good cuppa – some prefer builder’s tea, others fancy a delicate Earl Grey!  Don’t be afraid to shop around and try different groups or events to see what works for you.  Some folks absolutely thrive in those structured morning meetups, fuelled by coffee and croissants, while others find their networking groove at a more laid-back after-work drinks gathering.How to Network Effectively as a Micro Business Owner - Picture of a group of business owners stood talking

The key is to find the atmosphere that suits your personality and where you can genuinely connect with others. Think about it: if you’re an introvert who dreads forced small talk, a large, impersonal networking event might leave you feeling drained. On the other hand, if you’re a social butterfly who thrives on energetic conversations, those more structured events could be your perfect match.

The best way to discover what works for you is to simply try different things. Attend a variety of events, both online and in-person and see where you feel most comfortable and able to authentically connect with others.  It’s all part of the journey to finding your networking tribe!

Set Clear Networking Goals: Clients, Referrals, or Community?

Before you rock up to that next networking event, take a moment for a bit of introspection. What’s your aim here? Are you on the hunt for those shiny new clients, or perhaps your sights are set on building solid relationships – ones that might lead to referrals down the road when someone needs exactly what you offer.

Both are perfectly valid reasons to network but understanding your primary objective helps you tailor your approach.  If it’s clients you’re after, don’t be afraid to chat about your services and the value you offer. A well-crafted elevator pitch can work wonders! But be mindful of coming across too salesy – remember, people want to connect with the person behind the business.

On the other hand, if referrals are your goal, it’s all about building genuine connections. Focus on getting to know the folks in the room (or on the Zoom call!), their businesses and the challenges they face.  Identify ways you can help them – perhaps through sharing your expertise or connecting them with someone in your network. When you genuinely support others, they’re far more likely to reciprocate the favour when the opportunity arises.

The Art of Genuine Connection:  Building Trust Over Time

Networking is about building relationships, not just collecting contacts.  Flashy sales pitches and overly aggressive self-promotion can quickly turn people off.  Instead, focus on creating genuine connections based on trust and mutual understanding.

Think of networking as making friends, not closing deals.  Ask thoughtful questions, listen attentively to the answers and find common ground. Perhaps you share a passion for the same hobby or have faced similar challenges in your businesses. These authentic connections are the foundation for strong and lasting relationships.

It’s a bit like brewing a good cup of tea – it takes time and patience. Don’t rush the process. Allow relationships to develop naturally and those valuable business opportunities will often emerge organically. When people know, like and trust you, they’re far more likely to become loyal customers or refer you to their friends and colleagues.

Beyond Business Cards: The Hidden Benefits of Networking

It’s easy to fixate on the immediate goal of gaining clients or referrals through networking. But the most valuable outcomes are often those that aren’t immediately obvious. Think of networking as a long-term investment in your business growth and personal development.

By connecting with fellow entrepreneurs, you gain access to a wealth of knowledge and experience.  Whether it’s learning about the latest marketing trends, discovering new tools and resources, or simply getting advice on a specific business challenge, the insights shared by others can be invaluable.

Networking is also a powerful way to build community.  That group of like-minded entrepreneurs becomes your sounding board, your source of encouragement and even your shoulder to cry on when things get tough.  It’s that sense of belonging and mutual support that helps us stay resilient and navigate the inevitable ups and downs of running a business.

So, while gaining clients and referrals are certainly important aspects of networking, don’t underestimate the power of those deeper connections.  These relationships can enrich your business journey in ways you never imagined, providing support, inspiration and a valuable network of people who’ve got your back.

Ready to elevate your networking game?  Remember, it’s about quality connections, not quantity.  Approach networking with intention, focus on genuine interactions and soon, you’ll be reaping the rewards of a strong and supportive business community. Maybe I’ll see you at a networking event soon!