The Client: AHC Learning Ltd is run by Alison Cassidy. She specialises in providing tailored training solutions to businesses across Scotland.

Service provided

I first worked with Alison around 5 years ago to support her with GDPR and since then we have kept in touch and done other small pieces of work. I was really pleased when she approached me last year to work on her website.Alison Cassidy Case Study Pinterest Image Green box with logo

Alison’s current website was built on a bespoke platform and was hosted by a web designer. This meant that she didn’t have full access to edit the site. She was keen to move to a platform that gave her this along with a modern, updated design.

Her branding was going to remain the same as was most of the information. However, Alison wanted to ensure that the website was optimised for local SEO and included information on the different options for working with her in person and virtually.  She was also keen to start a blog to help her SEO ranking and allow her to share her expertise.

Alison said

“Sarah understood that I wanted it to be more reflective of my personality, connected me with the right people and beavered away in the background.” 

Client Benefits

The final site will allow Alison to be found more easily by search engines, includes a blog for her to start to share her expertise more and reflects her unique personality which is absolutely critical for the training and coaching she provides.

The new website is built in WordPress using the modern Divi theme. the design is similar to the old site and we have utilised elements of her branding. The copy has been refreshed to optimised it for local SEO with the support of SEO Expert Zoe Hughes from Zebra Business Solutions.

“Sarah gave advice when needed, steered me in the right direction and set it up in such a way that my VA can support the ongoing development and additions to the website.”

You can check out Alison’s new website by clicking on the image below.

Photograph showing Sarah working in the background overlayed with a laptop showing the home page of the AHC learning website