The Easy Way To Create Customer Service Email Templates

Do you frequently answer the same questions in your email inbox day after day?

Do you find that you’re wasting time and energy providing the same responses and wish there was an easier way to inform your clients and prospective customers without it cutting into your precious work time?

Well, you can and it’s easier than you might think if you use email templates.The Easy Way To Create Customer Service Email Templates

What is an email template?

An email template is an already prepared email that you can send as a response to a standard question or quickly replace some content rather than creating a new email from scratch.

Using email templates can make responding quicker for you and helps your customers get the prompt and informative response they’re looking for.

So, how do you go about creating email templates for your business?

Spend a week reviewing your email content

Over the next week or so, be aware of the emails you’re sending and spot any recurring themes that crop up.

How many emails have had the same response?

Could you group together certain questions for the same response?

Prioritise the questions that are asked the most often and focus on these for your email templates.

If you’re not sure or are a start-up business and haven’t had many questions yet, some common topics for email templates are:

  • General info on services/products
  • Pre-appointment information
  • Contact information
  • Contracts and policies
  • Follow up emails

Common email templates I use as an Online Business Consultant are enquiries, follow-ups, new client emails, and end of contract emails.

Have a think about questions you often come across on social media that you may get asked too.

Create your responses

This can be as easy as copying and pasting a reply you’ve already sent by email into a document that you can copy from again and again.

Or, you can crib from your FAQs page on your website (if you don’t have one, now might be a great time to create one as you’ll find many of the questions are the same!).

If you don’t have any responses already, sit down now and create some!

Don’t just think about answering the question or sending the desired information, but how you want to come across too. Customer service is about how you make people feel about you and what you do, so think about tone and anything else that might make it more personable.

Once you’ve written a template, leave it for a couple of days and come back to review with a fresh mind. You will find spelling and grammar mistakes, and that you’ve forgotten to add things. That’s fine and absolutely normal – this is why you’re getting your templates ready in advance!

The great thing about email templates like this is that they aren’t set in stone.

You can come back to them as often as you like and alter things, add things and tweak as much as you like! Remember that you’ll be copying and pasting these into your emails so you can tailor as much as you need to suit your customer’s needs, and the rapport you may already have in place with them.

Why can’t I create actual templates in my email program?

Technically you can but it takes HTML coding and in my opinion is much more effort than it’s worth.

When you get an email it’s far easier to hit that reply button and paste in the response. Why waste time doing anything else?

You can set up your emails to suit your branding and save this in your settings for consistency, but really, that’s all that’s needed. This is about saving you time and effort, so why over complicate things?

I hope that has helped you plan the templates you want to create and to make a start on them. They may take a little time now, but you’ll definitely make up for it in the future! If you need any further help around email templates, let me know!